Book Confirms Triple Burner (aka Sanjiao, Triple Warmer, Triple Heater) Function Is Omnipresent System of Waterways

New 766 Page Book Confirms the Triple Burner (aka Sanjiao, Triple Warmer, Triple Heater, Triple Energizer) Function Is an Omnipresent System of Waterways Throughout the Body

My name is Dr Louis Gordon and I am an acupuncturist. I practice acupuncture from ANTRAC Acupuncture Clinic in Middle Ridge, Toowoomba, 4350, Queensland, Australia.


 How Does New 766 Page Book Confirm the Triple Burner (aka Sanjiao, Triple Warmer, Triple Heater, Triple Energizer) Function Is an Omnipresent System of Waterways Throughout the Body?

While I believe that the Triple Burner (aka San Jiao, Triple Energizer) is positively an ORGAN, a large number of TCM practitioners believe that because in some of the ancient Chinese medical classics the Triple Burner was said to have “no form” that it is NOT an actual organ. Rather, they believe the Triple Burner consists of a system of biological and biochemical functions that occur throughout the entire body producing numerous biological liquids and fluids along with numerous forms of energy (Qi). I have spent many years investigating the location and morphology of this misconstrued physical organ, and have written a 766 page book titled The ‘Mystical’ TCM Triple Energizer. Its Elusive Location and Morphology Defined. In the book I prove that the Triple Burner (in spite of having “no form”) is an actual omnipresent morphological organ complex, as is the lymphatic system and the endocrine system, which also both have “no form”.

In the 766 page book The ‘Mystical’ TCM Triple Energizer’. Its Elusive Location and Morphology Defined, I show that the Nan Jing teaches that ‘the water-ways of the entire body originate from the Triple Burner, and that the biological and energic influences throughout the entire body are transformed from water’. Intellectual scholar, Yeh Lin, notes that ‘All of that rests on the principle that when fire meets water, a transformation into influences takes place’. How does this “transformation into influences take place” within the Triple Burner?

Below are some of the excerpts from my book The ‘Mystical’ TCM Triple Energizer’. Its Elusive Location and Morphology Defined. The enlightening book can be securely purchased by clicking the ‘BUY NOW’ button at the bottom of this page. So please BUY the book and be truly amazed at the actual location and morphology of the Triple Burner organ.

31.1 Is the Triple Heater Merely a Summation of the Functional Relationship between the Various Organs That Regulate Water throughout the Body?

Jóhannsdóttir (96) states, ‘The Triple Heater can be looked upon as being the functional relationship between various Organs that regulate Water. These are mainly the Lungs, Spleen and Kidneys, but including also the Small Intestine and the Bladder. The Triple Heater does not exist as an entity outside these various Organs, but rather it is the pathway that makes these Organs a complete system.’

I believe that because the author does not yet know about the actual location of the Three Heaters being integrated and predominantly composed of the Connective-Tissue Metasystem that is omnipresent throughout the entire body, she incorrectly suggests, ‘The Triple Heater does not exist as an entity outside these various Organs, but rather it is the pathway that makes these Organs a complete system.’ This is in keeping with the inappropriate bias of believing that the Three Heaters is said to have a name but no shape, which is primarily based on a misunderstanding derived from the Nan Ching.

31.9 Resembling the Triple Energizer, Fascia Makes Up 16% of Total Body Weight and Stores 23 Percent of Total Water Composition, and Fascia Connects All the Tissues of the Human Body

In the article entitled ‘Fascia: The Under Appreciated Tissue’, the author (99) states that connective tissues play an important role in human function and that fascia makes up 16% of total body weight and stores 23% of total water composition of the human body and that fascia connects all the different tissue types of the human body together, including the muscles, organs, nerves, and vessels of the body. The author continues, ‘Fascia is a dynamic connective tissue that changes based on the stresses placed on it.’ The author states further that ‘embryology helps explain how all the fascial system connects all major systems including the nervous system’.

Summary of Chapter 31

Regarding the Qi mechanism that allows for the regulated transportation of the various fluid components of the San Jiao to move in and out of cells, tissues, vessels, organs, joints, etc. throughout the entire body, in the article entitled ‘San Jiao’, the author, Linda Barbour (23), states very eloquently that this Qi mechanism ensures that the metabolism throughout the entire human body maintains a defined equilibrium. Fluid imbalances within the system can cause damp or phlegm conditions, including swollen and/or edematous manifestations throughout the body, and conversely, where there is fluid deficiency, body tissues can become dehydrated.

Either of these conditions is not conducive to optimal functioning of bodily systems, and disease states occur. The various body fluids can only move along the pathways that the San Jiao provides. Barbour advises that some body fluids passively diffuse into and out of the cells throughout the body, the interstitial spaces, and the bloodstream. Yet other fluids require an input of energy (Qi) to move according to their function. All these diverse fluid flows are dependent on the directives of the Qi mechanism. She further notes that the San Jiao constitutes the pathway for Original Qi and the numerous body fluids to follow, and the San Jiao ensures that the pathways remain open. Original Qi is the energy form that orchestrates all the diverse fluid flows and allows all the numerous reactions to take place.

Connective tissues play a very important role in human function. That fascia connects all the different tissue types of the human body together—including the muscles, organs, nerves, and vessels of the body—indicates that it has a large role in communication throughout the body just as the San Jiao does too. The fact that fascia makes up 16% of total body weight and stores 23% of total water composition of the human body (99) shows that it has a lot in common with the description of the San Jiao. Grossman (5) stressed that the legendary highly respected irrigation official named Yu personified the San Jiao as ‘the official in charge of irrigation and it controls the water passages’.


(5) Grossman, G., ‘Cultural Reference for Increased Understanding of the San Jiao’. Available from: <>.

(23) Barbour, L., ‘San Jiao’ (post 2007). Originally available from <>.

(96) Jóhannsdóttir, A. L., ‘Kínverskar Lækningar’ (year unknown). Available from <>.

(99) Anonymous, ‘Fascia: The Under Appreciated Tissue’ (2005). Available from <>.


I wish to sincerely thank Dr Paul U. Unschuld for the selfless and tireless work he has committed to make many ancient Chinese medical classics available in English for study and research. My book is based predominantly around his scholarly work ‘Nan-Ching: The Classic of Difficult Issues’. I also wish to sincerely thank Professor Unschuld for permission to use citations of his translation in my book. His translation of ‘Nan-Ching: The Classic of Difficult Issues’ can be purchased from the following link:

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             Sanjiao’s Mystique Demystified