Water is as Mysterious as the TCM Triple Energizer

 Water is as Mysterious as the Hydroelectric TCM Triple Energizer (aka Sanjiao, San Jiao, Triple Warmer, Triple Heater, Triple Burner) Organ, NOT the Sanjiao Meridian 

My name is Dr Louis Gordon and I am an acupuncturist. I practice acupuncture from ANTRAC Acupuncture Clinic in Middle Ridge, Toowoomba, 4350, Queensland, Australia.


Why is WATER as Mysterious as the Hydroelectric TCM Triple Energizer (San Jiao, Triple Warmer, Triple Heater, Triple Burner) Organ?

In the commentaries of the 31st Difficult Issue of Unschuld’s (1) translation of the Nan Ching, Yeh Lin relates, ‘When fire meets water, a transformation into influences takes place.’ How do the hydroelectric processes of the Triple Warmer take place?

One of the 12 Main Organs of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is surrounded in mystery. In keeping with that theme of perplexity, it has numerous names, including Sanjiao, san-jiao, triple energizer, triple heater, triple warmer, triple burner, tri-heater, three heaters and the three burning spaces. While the Triple Energizer is definitely an ORGAN, many TCM practitioners  believe that the Triple Energizer is NOT an organ, but rather, is a series of biological processes that occur throughout the entire body. Why do I believe that the Triple Energizer is a real organ?

The following are excerpts from the book The ‘Mystical’ TCM Triple Energizer. Its Elusive Location and Morphology Defined. This innovative book abounds with enthralling information that validates that early authors of many traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) masterpieces were fully cognizant of the mysterious properties of bulk water that are only now being uncovered by modern water scientists and quantum physicists. This highly educational book is ideal for anyone wanting to know more about the mysterious properties of bulk water, and how bulk water from food and drink causes energic biological and biochemical influences to occur throughout the body. This illuminating book can be securely purchased by clicking the ‘BUY NOW’ button at the bottom of this page.

Chapter 8 of the Su wen states, ‘The triple heater is responsible for the opening up of passages and irrigation. The waterways stem from it.’ Professor Pollack (27) has proved that exclusion zones (EZs) formed from water contacting connective tissues has very interesting and diverse properties. He says, ‘Their sundry actions include reducing friction, wedging surfaces apart . . . running batteries, driving catalysis, and powering fluid flows’. All these properties of EZ water exactly describe the actions attributed to the Triple Energizer (San Jiao, Triple Heater) in TCM. Regarding the prolific formation of EZ, the majority of all water present in the body is interfacial water, which is only a fraction of a micron away from connective tissues and membranes. It is in these ubiquitous omnipresent locations of the body that the hydroelectric processes of the Sanjiao occur.

If you were to count every single molecule in your body, 99% of them would be water molecules. This is an incredible fact that of all the molecules in our body, 99% of those molecules constitute the one molecule, namely H2O. On this basis alone, it is inconceivable that water isn’t a major player in biological and biochemical processes that we call life. The Triple Energizer has the role of controlling and regulating these water molecules and producing the energy source EZ’s throughout the body. Regarding the incredible properties of EZ’s, Professor Pollack says, ‘Their sundry actions include reducing friction, wedging surfaces apart . . . running batteries, driving catalysis, and powering fluid flows’. All these properties of EZ water exactly describe the actions attributed to the Triple Energizer in TCM. Is that a coincidence? I think not!

Why is it that common gelatine jellies whose fractional water content exceeds 99.9% of their total mass don’t even leak water. Pollack believes that because the gel matrix is composed of numerous hydrophilic strands, the strands’ surfaces convert bulk water into EZ water, which in the form of ‘the gel resembles the stable structural integrity of a brick wall’. Regarding the fact that the Triple Burner exists and moves external to all the other organs, in the commentaries of the 38th Difficult Issue in Unschuld’s (1) translation of the Nan-ching, Katō Bankei states ‘It moves in between the palaces and depots. It resembles an external wall. Hence, it is called “external palace.”’ Thus Pollack’s description of EZ’s exactly fit Katō Bankei’s description of the Triple Burner.

I believe that the predominant fabric of the omnipresent Triple Energizer (Connective-Tissue Metasystem) is hydrophilic collagen, and when it touches water, the water is electrochemically transformed into EZ, which becomes a water-based battery full of electrical potential to fire and influence all sorts of biochemical reactions. This theory is expounded in the commentaries of the 31st Difficult Issue of Unschuld’s (1) translation of the Nan Ching, where Yeh Lin relates, ‘When fire meets water, a transformation into influences takes place.’

Regarding the perplexing properties of Water and the equally perplexing nature of the Triple Energizer (San Jiao, Three Heater, Triple Burner)  I have included below some of the citations from the book titled The ‘Mystical’ TCM Triple Energizer. Its Elusive Location and Morphology Defined.

16.2 Mobilizing Nature of Shao Yang Empowers the Triple Energizer to Break Blockages

In the book Heart Master Triple Heater, Rochat de la Vallée (11), on page 51, points out that Chapter 8 of the Su wen states, ‘The triple heater is responsible for the opening up of passages and irrigation. The waterways stem from it.’ She then states, ‘If we look at Su wen chapter 8, the first thing we see is that the triple heater can break through passages and pathways. It has the concentrated strength of shao yang which allows passing through obstacles and a clearing of the ways so that all the irrigation and streams in the body can circulate freely and keep the qi moving.’ Here she shows that the property of the concentrated and intense strength and motivating force of the Shao Yang division is responsible for empowering the Triple Heater to ‘break through passages and pathways’ so that obstructions, ‘stuckness’, coagulations, and blockages are cleared away and free communication can be restored. The Triple Heater also powers fluid flows so that circulating nourishing body fluids can smoothly irrigate all the cells and tissues within the body.

Pollack (27) has provided very convincing evidence that positively charged water molecules inevitably arise from the presence of exclusion zones (EZs) and that those positively charged water molecules have very interesting and diverse properties. He says, ‘Their sundry actions include reducing friction, wedging surfaces apart . . . running batteries, driving catalysis, and powering fluid flows’ (KL 3670–3672, emphasis is mine). All these properties of EZ water exactly describe the actions attributed to the Triple Energizer in TCM. Is that a coincidence? I think not!

19.1 Only Pollack’s Theory Can Explain Water’s Bizarre Properties

Pollack’s research offers rational scientific explanations for many otherwise unexplainable mysterious phenomena pertaining to water, where the existence and presence of EZ would demystify the enigmas. The presence of EZ in the mix explains why vortexing water cools it by up to 4 °C, why adding salt to a completely filled glass does not cause overflow, why adding different chemicals (e.g. ammonium persulfate) to water cools the water by up to 8 °C and increases its combined volume, why adding water to concentrated sulfuric acid makes the water boil with potentially explosive force, why adding sodium hydroxide pellets to a flask of water reduces its volume, why Russian vodka is 40% alcohol, and why concrete sets hard. The book has taken into account the presence of EZ to rationalize other unexplained phenomena. These include why isolated individual clouds form in a blue sky, why wet sand will make sand castles and The ‘Mystical’ TCM Triple Energizer 179 dry sand won’t, why tree roots can crack concrete, why ice is slippery, why bubbles eventually gather on the walls of plastic cups filled with water, why a kettle whistles, why underwater dolphins blow round rings and then play with them, why the sea recedes from land just prior to the tsunami’s arrival onshore, why warm water freezes faster than colder water when both are placed in a freezer simultaneously. As water cools, its density changes. Other water Scientists still are unable to explain why water’s density is highest at 4 °C. What’s magical about that number?

19.2 EZ Properties Are the Same as Functions of the Triple Energizer

Pollack has also given very convincing evidence that positively charged water molecules inevitably arise from the presence of exclusion zones (EZs) and that those positively charged water molecules have interesting and diverse properties. He says, ‘Their sundry actions include reducing friction, wedging surfaces apart . . . running batteries, driving catalysis, and powering fluid flows’ (KL 3670–3672). All these properties involve actions attributed to the Triple Energizer in TCM. Is that a coincidence? I think not!

19.6 On a Molecular Basis, Water Makes Up 99% of the Molecules in the Human Body

At KL 331–332 of the book, Professor Gerald Pollack (27) states, ‘Your cells are two-thirds water by volume; however, the water molecule is so small that if you were to count every single molecule in your body, 99% of them would be water molecules. That many water molecules are needed to make up the two-thirds volume.’ This is an incredible fact that of all the molecules in our body, 99% of those molecules constitute the one molecule, namely H2O. On this basis alone, it is inconceivable that water isn’t a major player in biological and biochemical processes that we call life.

19.10 Nature Loves Hexagonal Biochemical and Biological Structures

Pollack (27) (KL 1253–1254) states, ‘In sum, pouring water onto a hydrophilic surface triggers EZ growth. Water is the raw material. From this raw material, EZ honeycomb layers build.’ Chemists are not able to explain scientifically why gels (for example, gelatin jellies) lock up and contain so much water. Common gels don’t leak even when their fractional water content exceeds 99.9% of their total mass. Pollack believes (KL 1356–1360) that because the gel matrix is composed of numerous hydrophilic strands, the strands’ surfaces convert bulk water into EZ water, which in the form of the gel resembles the stable structural integrity of a brick wall.

19.11 EZ Water Engenders Biological Processes and Energy Production

Charged entities such as membranes, proteins, and DNA all interface with water; exclusion zones should appear in abundance. Those EZs bear charge, which means they carry electrical potential energy. Since nature rarely discards available potential energy, EZ charge may be used to drive diverse cellular processes ranging from chemical reactions all the way to fluid flows. Opportunities abound. Notice what Professor Pollack said there, suggesting that water in contact with hydrophilic surfaces, including ‘charged . . . membranes’ generate ‘electrical potential energy’ that may ‘drive diverse cellular processes ranging from chemical reactions all the way to fluid flows’. It sounds like Pollack is describing exactly what happens inside the Triple Energizer. Recall that the major function of the Triple Energizer involves the processing and metamorphosis of water and the production of Qi (energy). Remember too that, in the commentaries for the 31st Difficult Issue in Unschuld’s (1) translation of the Nanching (page 355), Huang Wei-san said, ‘The Triple Burner . . . is a fatty membrane covering the entire physical body from the inside.’ And in the commentaries for the 38th Difficult Issue (1), on page 396, Li Chiung states, ‘The Triple Burner represents nothing but membranes attached to the upper, central, and lower opening of the stomach.’ So here in one place, in one organ, we have the two essential requirements to produce biologically and biochemically diverse fluids (e.g. lymph, blood, interstitial fluid, tears, sweat, urine) and different energy forms. Pollack has scientifically proven that if you put bulk water alongside hydrophilic materials, including membranes, EZ water is readily generated. Pollack is probably oblivious to the existence of the concept of the Triple Energizer, yet his research findings adequately describe the Triple Energizer fluid metamorphosis and distribution and energy production mechanism simply described by the ancient medical classics. As Pollack summed it up, ‘opportunities abound’.

19.14 Water-Based Batteries Form Everywhere that Hydrophilic Surfaces Interface with Water

Amazingly, similar to n-type semiconductor lattices, when the electrical conductivity is measured parallel to hydrophilic surfaces that readily generate EZs, the electrical conductivity is 100,000 times higher than the conductivity measured through bulk water. He explained that this type of water-based battery exists virtually everywhere that water and hydrophilic surfaces are in intimate contact, and he noted that the numerous hydrophilic surfaces in contact with water inside every cell generate EZs, and subsequently, numerous water-driven nanobatteries form inside every cell.

I believe that the predominant fabric of the omnipresent Triple Energizer (Connective-Tissue Metasystem) is hydrophilic collagen, and when it touches water, the water is electrochemically transformed into EZ, which becomes a water-based battery full of electrical potential to fire and influence all sorts of biochemical reactions. This theory is expounded in the commentaries of the 31st Difficult Issue of Unschuld’s (1) translation of the Nan Ching, where Yeh Lin relates, ‘When fire meets water, a transformation into influences takes place.’

19.15 Composition of the Triple Energizer

Pollack (27) (KL 1593) believes that ‘the EZ battery could be a versatile supplier of much of nature’s energy’ (emphasis is mine). Is Professor Pollack discussing the functional aspect of the Triple-Energizer Metasystem, or is he touting his theory on the nature of Exclusion Zone Water in biological systems? I believe it is one and the same. I propose that the Triple Energizer is predominantly composed of hydrophilic connective tissues and membranes, which are omnipresent throughout the body in intimate association with bulk water that has been transformed into EZ water. Pollack has proved beyond doubt that bulk water (present in drink and foods) in contact with hydrophilic materials (including connective tissues and membranes) is converted into EZ water. What Professor Pollack just stated could easily describe the machinations of how the Triple Energizer pump and distribute water and biological fluids throughout the entire body and simultaneously supply energy throughout the entire body as the various differentiated forms of Qi. This mechanism of Pollack allows for both features of the Triple Energizer to coexist simultaneously via the same medium, namely, the energized fourth phase of water, which is life-giving liquid crystalline EZ water. Subsequently, I consider I now know where the elusive Triple-Energizer Metasystem has been ‘hiding’ all this time.

19.23 Charging the EZ Water Battery with Light Energy from the Sun

Visible light was more effective. What was very surprising at first was that infrared—particularly at 3,000 nm—was the most effective. The team later realized that it made perfect sense as the 3,000 nm wavelength of light is the one that is most strongly absorbed by water. Pollack thus proved that ‘the most strongly absorbed wavelength is the one that most effectively drives EZ growth’ (emphasis is mine). Pollack noted that because of the massive implications, this finding was an extremely satisfying correlation. He proceeded to explain that because infrared energy is the most effective for building EZs and because infrared energy is omnipresent, ‘the fuel for building EZs is always available. The fuel comes free’ (KL 1631–1682, emphasis is mine). You might ask, why is this energy free? Pollack explains that everything emits infrared radiation and gives the example that, during daytime, all objects absorb the radiant energy from the heat of the sun and subsequently emit plenty of infrared radiation (IR) whether the lights are turned on or off. He says that infrared radiation is always present, and he describes IR as nature’s gift which is free for the taking (KL 1689–1691).

19.25 EZ Generated Protons Explain Industrial Catalysis and Biological Enzymes

Pollack advises that like most protein surfaces, enzyme surfaces commonly possess a substantial negative charge, and subsequently, those enzyme surfaces should generate EZ layers. If this is indeed the case, then the biological catalysis of enzymes may closely resemble generic catalysis, encompassing little more than high concentrations of EZ-generated protons (KL 3626–3631). I propose it is possible that, in a like manner, the known hydrophilic surfaces that predominate on connective tissues and membranes could be acting as biological catalysts to ensure that the necessary molecules required for life are formed in the body when required, thanks to the catalytic property of the membranes dispersed throughout the omnipresent Triple-Energizer membrane matrix.

19.26 Liquid Water, Bubbles, and Mist! Triple Energizer or EZ?

It is interesting that while discussing the Triple Heater with respect to the proper management of liquids throughout the entire body, Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée and M. Macé (11), on page 123, state, ‘The link with the transformation of liquids is constantly confirmed in its pathology, as its relationship with water, in all its forms, is emphasized by the traditional titles attributed to each of the three heaters (Lingshu 18): Wu, mist or humid vapours for the upper heater, Ou, maceration for the middle heater, Du, canal or conduit for the lower heater.’

19.27 Three Phases of Water Predominate throughout the Body—Mist, Bulk Water, and EZ

Pollack (27) further states that presumably the visible boundaries in all these situations must be made up of something other than bulk water, and he suggests that a good candidate is EZ water. He explains that the optical properties of EZs are different than bulk water in at least two ways. For a start, their light absorption property differs. Secondly, the refractive index of the EZ is about 10% higher than that of bulk water. These differences in optical properties could easily produce the discernible boundary that exists between EZ and non-EZ zones. He notes that warm miso soup exemplifies the phenomenon as it elicits distinct mosaic boundary lines, with the added feature that soup ingredients circulate upward and then downward constantly in a loop constrained within one of the cells while never crossing the peripheral boundary. Further observation reveals that the individual liquid mosaics give rise to vapour mosaics directly above the individual liquid cells (KL 4339–4394).

Along the same lines as the liquid phase of water becoming the gas phase of water over a coffee cup, regarding the formation of rain clouds, Pollack says imagine evaporated vesicles, also called aerosol droplets, ascending high into the atmosphere and ultimately condensing to form clouds. He notes that the mass of water suspended in those clouds is immensely heavy. Pollack commented that one of his colleagues who is an atmospheric scientist does not estimate the mass of clouds in kilograms as that is not a fathomable unit. Rather, he uses the bizarre unit of elephant-equivalents, and advised that the total aerosol-droplet mass in a large cumulonimbus cloud can be equivalent to fifteen million elephants. Exactly how can the massive mass of 15,000,000 elephants remain suspended in one single cumulonimbus cloud in the sky? (KL 4444–4448).

Yeh Lin’s description of water being ‘transformed into influences’ mirrors Pollack’s description of bulk water being energized by the sun and transformed into energized crystalline water that influences a multitude of biological functions throughout the body. Pollack’s formation of EZ is essentially a case of ‘when fire meets water’ where the fire is derived from the sun, especially in the form of infrared radiation, which is omnipresent, having its energizing effect on the water that pervades our very being. Where does this transformation into influences occur? Yeh Lin says, ‘The water in the soil.’ And where is that ‘soil’ in the human body? Of course, the Stomach and Spleen, the Earth phase of the Zang/Fu organ complex. To my knowledge, Pollack has not singled out the Stomach as a predominant location of EZ formation. But it does happen to be the major location of a large amount of protonated water in the body in the form of hydrochloric acid. In every case where EZ water is generated in vitro, in vivo protons are generated at one end of the EZ cell. Note too that Yeh Lin related that ‘water from the Lower Burner evaporates like steam and is transformed into influences moving up again, where they become the chin liquids, the yeh liquids, and the sweat’. The chin liquids and the yeh liquids are the pure liquids, and the sweat (pH 4–6) is the impure liquid, which just happens to be the most acidic liquid formed in the body after gastric juice (pH 1.5–3.5).

19.28 Scientific Culture Bows to the Regality of Prevailing Dogma and Does Not ‘Rock the Boat’

In keeping with the innovative advances of the ostracized Dr Ignaz Semmelweis and Dr Barry J. Marshall, for example, Pollack (27) states that rather than being resilient and courageous, present-day scientific culture has become increasingly timorous and diffident. Rarely do scientists question established accepted concepts, especially entrenched concepts, even when they are intrinsically faulty and have outlived their usefulness. Science seeks only petty incremental changes to an established paradigm. The scientific culture has become disciplined and bows complacently to the presumed regality of prevailing dogma. Subsequently, in numerous research fields, modern scientific investigation has produced an abundance of specious data but made little enlightened advancement that progresses our fundamental understanding (KL 5419–5423). Regarding the field of medical research and advancement, Serge Gracovetsky expressed very similar sentiments more succinctly when he stated, ‘Medicine is perhaps the only human activity in which an attractive idea will survive experimental annihilation.’ The scientific and medical communities massively resist any novel concepts that differ from the accepted norm.

19.29 The In Vivo EZ Apparatus Can ‘Separate the Pure Fluids from the Impure Fluids’

Pollack expounded that fluid flows exist practically everywhere throughout nature, including, for example, within primitive cells and highly developed cells throughout our circulatory systems and within the fluid vessels of short plants right through to tall trees. He believes that the pressure resulting from hydronium ions could easily drive many of those fluid flows, and pertinently, he noted that the potential energy of EZs could easily drive practical devices.

Regarding the function of the Triple Energizer concerning separation of pure fluids from the impure fluids, in the commentaries on the 35th Difficult Issue on pages 376–377 of Unschuld’s (1) translation of the Nan Ching, Li Chiung states, ‘The large intestine transmits the impure of water and grain. The small intestine is filled with the impure of water and grains. The stomach takes in and contains the impure portions of water and grains. The bladder stores the impure of the chin and yeh liquids. Only the gall is clear and pure.’ A major function of the Triple Energizer is the separation of pure fluids from the impure fluids so that the pure fluids can be transformed into vital body fluids, including Blood. Here, Pollack is describing a mechanism whereby that exact process occurs in the exact regions abounding with hydrophilic connective tissues, where EZ is automatically produced. It seems highly probable that the EZ mechanism proven to exist by Pollack in hydrophilic connective tissues and membranes could well be the same mechanism behind the function of the Triple Energizer, where one of its roles is to separate the pure fluids from the impure fluids.

19.30 Everyday Water Sitting in a Glass at Ambient Conditions Is Not as Bland as You’d Think

With respect to the nature of everyday, common household water sitting in a glass on the kitchen table at ambient conditions, Pollack (27) further stimulates our gray matter when he says we don’t normally think of a glass of water as receiving and absorbing energy but that rather we consider that the water in the glass is in a state of equilibrium with its environment. He stresses that in fact the water in the glass is normally far out of equilibrium with its environment. While this notion may sound somewhat eccentric, the previous chapters have abundantly demonstrated that water does in fact absorb energy from the environment continually and transduce that energy into potential work. The transduction construct is more acceptable once you realize that plants absorb radiant energy from the environment continuously and transduce that energy for doing work and we don’t blink an eyelid. As plants are predominantly composed of water, it becomes quite reasonable to accept that a glass of water sitting next to your potted plant has the capacity to absorb and transduce photonic energy similarly to the plant (KL 5476–5481). Pollack explains further and gives the example that when sunshine breaks through the clouds and touches our skin, we feel a slight surge of energy. While that sensation may well affect our deeper psyche, it is possible that we have been physically energized by the incident solar irradiation affecting our skin pigment, melanin, which is known to transduce radiation forms of the electromagnetic spectrum. He notes how the light from a penlight placed on our palm penetrates deeply and can be seen on the dorsal side (KL 5483–5486).


(1) Unschuld, P. U., Nan Ching: The Classic of Difficult Issues (e-book edn, Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1986), 771. With commentaries by Chinese and Japanese authors from the third through the twentieth century.

(11) Larre, C., and E. Rochat de la Vallée, Heart Master Triple Heater (Norfolk: Monkey Press, 1998).

(27) Pollack, G., The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor (Kindle edition, Seattle: Ebner and Sons Publishers, 2014). Available from <>


I wish to sincerely thank Dr Paul U. Unschuld for the selfless and tireless work he has committed to make many ancient Chinese medical classics available in English for study and research. My book is based predominantly around his scholarly work ‘Nan-Ching: The Classic of Difficult Issues’. I also wish to sincerely thank Professor Unschuld for permission to use citations of his translation in my book. His translation of ‘Nan-Ching: The Classic of Difficult Issues’ can be purchased from the following link:

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             Sanjiao’s Mystique Demystified