Louis Gordon graduated with a Bachelor of Acupuncture in 1982, and since that time he has been a passionate and dedicated acupuncturist, lifestyle analyst and health coach to thousands of patients. He has over 38 years of practical experience in acupuncture, herbal medicine and clinical nutrition, and is the founder of Alternative Natural Therapy, Relaxation and Acupuncture Clinic (ANTRAC), which operates from Toowoomba, in the state of Queensland, Australia.
Louis is also a qualified Biological Laboratory Technician who worked for the Queensland Government Department of Primary Industries (DPI) for 13 years in Chemistry and Bacteriological laboratories. Original research he performed on determining oxytetracycline antibiotic residues in honey was published in the CSIRO publication Australian Journal of Agricultural Research in 1989 in the article “Quantitative determination of oxytetracycline in honey by cylinder plate microbioassay”.
Louis later worked in laboratories of a major Australian pork abattoir and manufacturing plant and was the Environmental Officer later for 13 years. He has performed environmental consultancy work for several major Queensland companies.
As an acupuncturist and scientific researcher, he has been assisting smokers to quit for nearly 40 years. He advises his patients “I am a natural health practitioner and acupuncturist. I am not a magician. I don’t cast spells over people and change their lives”. However, combining his extensive knowledge on chemistry, biology, acupuncture and human health and human nature, he has developed a system that very effectively helps to greatly minimize or almost completely remove the stress and irritation associated with nicotine-withdrawal cravings, and for the most part assist smokers to come off their nicotine-addiction with few bruises over the first few weeks.
Louis is also qualified in the technical process of Acupunture Point Injection Therapy (APIT). He has helped hundreds of couples concieve naturally and also with Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) procedures using acupuncture, dietry recommendations and lifestyle changes.
He is a former member of the prestigious Lifestyle Practitioner Academy (LPA) based in Byron Bay, NSW. All members have the single-minded purpose of improving their practice skills and aiming to educate clients to take a more active role in optimizing their health and wellbeing. Louis’ role at ANTRAC is to help individuals change the current medical paradigm to shift their health model from that of symptomatic care to holistic preventative care so that they further enhance their health and wellness. All of Louis’ hard work paid off as his practice ANTRAC Acupuncture Clinic based in Toowoomba, Queensland was voted by his peers in the group as the most improved health practice at the Lifestyle Practitioner Academy’s 2010 leadership awards.
Linda is the mother of 5 boys, and Linda is an avid gardener and has a green-thumb when it comes to plants that have been injured or ailing for whatever reason. She has a long history of working in the health field. She commenced work at the Dalby General Hospital 30 years ago performing Biological Laboratory testing, and performing analyses on blood and urine samples. Linda is a good listener and is very skilled at liaising with patients, often gleaning important facts that patients don’t mention to me.
Linda is a trained phlebotomist (takes blood samples for medical laboratory testing procedures), and has worked for the pathologist company Sullivan Nicolaides in Dalby and Toowoomba, in Queensland, Australia.
Linda is also a former member of the Lifestyle Practitioner Academy (LPA) based in Byron Bay, NSW. She has been instrumental in setting up many technical programs to assist patients to attain optimal health and wellness more easily, and she is the main liaison staff to ensure that nobody is left behind in their quest for enhanced health and wellness. Linda organises the information that is likely to be of the most interest to our patients according to the season and local events that impact the health of local patients. She also monitors global trends to ensure that we are kept up to date with what our patients are concerned about.
Linda assists in technical aspects of the practice, taking phone calls, arranging appointments, transferring data to the PC database and she looks after the general setting-up of the practice. She is conversant with pathology test results and the general interpretation of the data.