Do YOU honestly desire to QUIT SMOKING CIGARETTES?
My name is Louis Gordon and I am a Chinese Medicine Board of Australia (CMBA) Certified acupuncturist. I practice acupuncture from ANTRAC Acupuncture Clinic in Middle Ridge, Toowoomba, 4350, Queensland, Australia. Since 1982 I have been assisting smokers to overcome their nicotine cravings and I may be able to free you from your addiction to nicotine. Do YOU honestly desire to successfully QUIT SMOKING? Hopefully, the “No More Cravings Quit Smoking Program” may allow you to reach your goal of being a “non-smoker”, whereby you will find that you have “No More Cravings” for nicotine.
You may well ask, “Is there any scientific evidence that acupuncture is beneficial for helping smokers to quit smoking”?
Effective Treatment for Smoking Cessation using Acupuncture and Laser Acupuncture
After using acupuncture treatment on 514 persons, Choy et al. (1) reported a success rate of 88%, and a recurrence rate of 31% in the second year of treatment. As for the acupuncture method using laser acupuncture, Zalesskiy et al. (2) reported a smoking cessation rate of 71% in 85 persons.
The official publication of the American College of Chest Physicians is called CHEST Journal. In 2018, Ying-ying Wang et al. (3) published the results of a prospective, randomized, active-controlled open-label trial which they titled, “Efficacy of Acupuncture Is Noninferior to Nicotine Replacement Therapy for Tobacco Cessation.”
The authors (3) stated, “At 24 weeks, the Fagerstrom Nicotine Dependence Test and the Minnesota Nicotine Withdrawal Scale scores in the acupuncture group were significantly lower than those in the auricular point group and in the NRT group (P < .05). Kaplan-Meier analysis showed the time to relapse for acupuncture (44.12 days) was insignificantly longer than NRT (41.18 days), but significantly longer than auricular point pressing (29.53 days).”
The authors (3) concluded, “We found acupuncture was safe and a possible treatment for tobacco cessation, but it requires further study to establish its role.” While there were two cases of adverse events in the acupuncture group, 2 cases of adverse events in the nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) group were also observed.
(1) Choy DS, Lutzker L, Meltzer L. Effective treatment for smoking cessation. Am J Med. 1983;75:1033–1036. . Reference available from:
(2) Zalesskiy VN, Be1ousova IA, Frolov GV. Laser-acupuncture reduces cigarette smoking: a preliminary report. Acupunct Electrother Res. 1983;8:297–302. . Reference available from:
(3) Ying-ying Wang et al. CHEST. March 2018, Volume 153, Issue 3, Pages 680–688. DOI: Available from:
Call Louis for more information on (07) 4636 6100.
MISSION STATEMENT: “I aim to get my patients as WELL as possible, as quickly as possible, and then to keep them WELL”.
The author Louis Gordon is a qualified Biological Laboratory Technician who worked for the Queensland Government Department of Primary Industries (DPI) for 13 years in Chemistry and Bacteriological laboratories. Original research he performed on determining oxytetracycline antibiotic residues in honey was published in the CSIRO publication Australian Journal of Agricultural Research in 1989 in the article “Quantitative determination of oxytetracycline in honey by cylinder plate microbioassay”. He worked in laboratories of a major Australian pork abattoir and manufacturing plant and was the Environmental Officer later for 13 years. He has performed environmental consultancy work for several major Queensland companies. Louis graduated with a Bachelor of Acupuncture in 1982, and since that time he has been a dedicated and passionate acupuncturist, lifestyle analyst and health coach to thousands of patients. He has been assisting smokers to quit for over thirty five years. He advises his patients “I am a natural health practitioner and acupuncturist. I am not a magician. I don’t cast spells over people and change their lives”.
However, combining his extensive knowledge on chemistry, biology, acupuncture and human health and human nature, he has developed a scientific system that effectively helps to minimize the stresses and irritation associated with nicotine-withdrawal cravings, and for the most part assist smokers to come off their nicotine-addiction with few bruises over the first few weeks. Louis is also qualified in the technical process of Acupuncture Point Injection Therapy (APIT).
Q – You are an acupuncturist. Do I need acupuncture to quit smoking?
A – Not necessarily. The supplements to reduce nicotine-withdrawal cravings that you take for the first month will greatly minimise your cravings. You have to get your head around which of the 13 “triggers” that I describe in detail trigger your smoking episodes. Taking the 5 minute questionnaire allows you to determine your “triggers”. That’s Part A. For Part B you apply all of the suggestions in the Management Plan that apply to you personally. I would strongly suggest that you have 3 acupuncture treatments initially. I suggest the first two treatments are one day apart, and the third treatment is given during the next week. More acupuncture treatments than that would be even more beneficial. The acupuncture used along with applying the information in the eBook will give you a physical and psychological advantage to help you quit without the trauma usually associated with quitting. Remember that quitting will save you thousands of dollars per year, so make a financial investment in your future health.
Q – Why is your “No-More-Cravings Quit Smoking Program” Helpful?
A – Nicotine is very toxic. Nicotine sulphate is a powerful pesticide used to quickly kill bugs. Using toxic nicotine disguised as pharmaceuticals is not a healthy natural way to free yourself from your dependency and addiction to that very substance. Former smokers that quit using my system take comfort and solace that they “did it their way” in a healthy way that makes them the driver of their destiny such that they have taken control of their future health and practices.
Q – How long will it take me to quit using your eBook method?
A – Once you have firmly committed to quitting, you are the driver of your vehicle and should decide on a quit date. Please be prepared before you quit. You would not just hop in your car and decide to fly to Antarctica for 4 weeks would you? Any journey to a foreign destination takes a lot of planning and investigation. You do not need to spend hundreds of hours surfing the internet to find out why nicotine enslaves you and how to escape its hold over you. I have already done that for you. My book is the culmination of over 3.5 decades of professional knowledge as an acupuncturist and a scientist and 40 years of personal experience. I have no doubt that my writing will expand your knowledge base. If you commence applying the information in the eBook well before you quit you will be empowered because you will be avoiding the “triggers” that kept you enslaved, and the nicotine-craving reduction supplements will be greatly helping you reduce the craving via 4 different biochemical pathways. The nicotine-withdrawal cravings are generally worst during the first week and after 10 days are gone. It is only yearning for rituals and habits that remain. That is where the Management Plan comes in. By 30 days you should be free from cravings and well on your journey to the roadway to future good health and wellbeing.
Q – I keep putting off quitting because I am afraid I will keep smoking, and be a failure. How do I get over this hurdle?
A – I have determined that this “trigger” is one of the major reasons why smokers that want to quit keep putting off the quit date until 2 days after tomorrow. British Prime Minister during WW II Winston Churchill said “success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm”. So based on that don’t feel that you are a failure or that you will never quit smoking just because you have failed a few time before. You were getting practice for when you do attain permanent success. Imagine if you had quit last month. You would have made a momentous lifestyle change and been well on your way to salvation. But that’s right, you put off quitting last month and the month before that too! What causes procrastination? Life is so busy. I cover this “trigger” in great detail in the eBook. Benjamin Mays stated “failure is not reaching your goal, but in having no goal to reach”. Robert H. Schuller said “failure doesn’t mean you are a failure it just means you haven’t succeeded yet”. If you buy the eBook I will show you how YOU can get over the hurdle with flying colours.
Q – How much is the eBook “No-More-Cravings QUIT SMOKING PROGRAM. Quitting Smoking Need NOT be as Traumatic as is Commonly Assumed”?
A – The eBook costs $9.70 AUD, which is what you currently spend on cigarettes during 8 hours if you smoke 20 / day. This figure is based on prices in Australia in 2018. The true cost of smoking is actually five times that amount when you consider wasted time and productivity smoking, increased insurance premiums for life insurance, and income protection, home and vehicle policies. If you smoke in your car and house the resale is greatly reduced to them being “smoked out”. Extra dry-cleaning bills, hair shampoo and accidentally-burnt furniture and clothes also impact the true cost of smoking. Wow! That makes $9.70 AUD a pretty reasonable price to pay for information that can save thousands of dollars each year.
Q – What if after quitting I take up smoking again?
A – That is called a relapse. Most smokers make several attempts to quit before they finally succeed. Generally the relapse is due to not paying sufficient attention to the same “triggers” that used to push you into lighting up a cigarette before you quit. The eBook covers all of the 13 “triggers” that I have determined over more than 3.5 decades. This question infers that if you did start smoking again you would later want to quit again, and that is the important issue, that you would WANT to QUIT yet again. Worry about that problem then. Don’t cross your bridges until you come to them.
Q – Why should I quit?
A – There is no doubt that smoking is unhealthy and reduces your life expectancy. Quitting will make you feel better and you will have more energy and stronger breath. Quitting will lower your chance of developing numerous health problems including heart attack, stroke, or lung and throat cancer. Smoking exacerbates back pain, and contributes to osteoporosis (thinning of the bones) especially in female smokers, and male impotence. It affects the circulation and hardens your arteries. If you are a pregnant women and you smoke you will have a reduced likelihood of having a healthy baby.
Q – What is the first thing I need to do once I’ve decided to quit?
A – If you are truly committed to quitting you should set a quit date and do a lot of research as to why you smoke, so you do not take up the habit again later. Most smokers do not realise that the “triggers” that fire up their desire to smoke are very individual and different to all other smokers. The eBook No-More-Cravings QUIT SMOKING PROGRAM. Quitting Smoking Need NOT be as Traumatic as is Commonly Assumed supplies a questionnaire so smokers can determine what their personal triggers are. There are actually 13 different “triggers”. Once the smoker has determined what his/her personal triggers are, the eBook supplies a detailed but easily achievable Management Plan to overcome the 13 triggers, so that smoking relapse is much less likely to occur.
Q – Are there any medications that would help me quit?
A – There are five choices of medications that are currently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration: a non-nicotine pill (bupropion SR), nicotine gum, a nicotine inhaler, a nicotine nasal spray, and a nicotine patch. Note that four of the five solutions to your problem contain the same toxic substance that got you in the nasty plight that you are currently in. Do you really need to rely on nicotine again when it is within your power to quit your addiction by not using an addictive substance? It is a lot like treating a temporarily blinded person by poking them in the eye.
Q – Will I gain weight when I quit smoking?
A – Many smokers do gain a little weight when they quit smoking, however it is usually less than 4.5 kg (10 pounds). Weight gain is often due to substituting one bad habit for another once you have quit. If you eat well, exercise regularly and concentrate on the main goal of quitting, weight gain will not be an issue. Information in the eBook states “It has been calculated that the health risk associated with smoking 20 cigarettes per day is equivalent to the same person being 55 kilograms overweight. What is the likelihood of putting on 55 kg of weight if you quit smoking? That is almost an impossible scenario. In 2009 the British Medical Journal presented an article by Swedish researchers. The study of health records of 45,920 men showed that you are more likely to die from smoking more than 10 cigarettes a day than from being obese.
Q – What withdrawal symptoms can I expect when I quit smoking?
A – Quitting can cause a vast array of symptoms both psychological and physical. Fortunately, they do not all occur in every quitter. Psychological symptoms include anguish or aggressive behavior, a deep sense of loss, anxiety or depression, restlessness and irritability. Performance at work can suffer due to distraction and the interest in sex can diminish. Some of the physical symptoms include indigestion and heartburn, more gas and flatulence, phlegm formation, muscle aches and cramps, an increased appetite and subsequent weight gain, poor concentration and fuzzy headedness, dizziness, forgetfulness, sleep disturbances, vivid dreams, maybe even nightmares, headaches, changes in bowel habits, nausea, tingly fingers and toes, coughing and spontaneous sweating. Fortunately, this avalanche blows over within one week, with the worse days generally being day 2 and day 3 after quitting. Remember that physical withdrawal symptoms last about two weeks at most, which is a short time compared to the rest of your life.
Q – What positive things can I do when I feel the urge to smoke?
A – Call a friend, take the dog for a walk, drink plenty water, occupy yourself with a positive task, prepare to have substitute activities and routines for the situations that “trigger” smoking episodes – reduce your stress by having a massage, inhale essential (not fragrant) lavender oil, take a hot bath, exercise, or read a book, do not have coffee or alcoholic drinks if you associate that activity with smoking. Drink tea instead of coffee. If you light up when you get in the car, take a different route to work for stimulation and variety.
Q – I’ve tried to quit before and it didn’t work. What can I do?
A – Most successful quitters take anywhere from 2 to 10 times to quit depending on the research article you are reading. Remember you are STILL trying to quit so you are not a failure. Think positively … you have just had a lot of practice at it, and NOW is your time to succeed.
Q – Are “light” cigarettes better than regular ones?
A – Cigarettes are cigarettes and nicotine addiction is nicotine addiction. There is no difference. Smokers inhale much more deeply and more frequently to compensate after changing from “regular” to “light” cigarettes, in an effort to maintain the same level of nicotine in their bloodstream that they have come accustomed to.
Q – Will my health return after I quit smoking?
A – Absolutely. Your body starts repairing the damage almost immediately. Within 30 minutes of quitting smoking, your pulse rate slows down and your blood pressure drops toward normal. Within hours of stopping, the level of carbon monoxide in your blood drops, enabling the blood to carry more oxygen to increase the healing process. Two days after quitting, nerve endings begin to recover and your sense of smell and taste begin to return. Lettuce and tomatoes will actually have a taste. Within 72 hours of quitting, the bronchial tubes of your lungs will expand and your lung volume and breathing capacity will increase.
Q – How dangerous is second-hand smoke?
A – Second hand smoke is very dangerous. Recent studies confirmed that second-hand smoke causes numerous health issues in children, including ear infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma and SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). Smoke in an infant’s household quadruples the chances of a SIDS death. Each year in the United States, second-hand smoke causes an estimated 284 to 364 deaths in children from house fires and lung infections. It has been estimated that smoking causes between 354,000 and 2.2 million ear infections in children, as well as 260,000 to 436,000 episodes of bronchitis and 115,000 to 190,000 episodes of pneumonia. A non-smoking spouse of a regular smoker has a 20% increase in his chances of contracting lung cancer, and 30% of developing heart disease.
Q – What should I do during smoking breaks at work?
A – I answer this question in the eBook. “Workplaces have dedicated smoking areas and this is where the “gang” hangs out lots of times during the day. Obviously over time close relationships and mateships develop as there is a commonality that forms, just like in street gangs. Once you have cleaned up your act and quit, a major common-denominator, the smoke-breaks will have been severed, and you will be out of place amongst the smokers. Ironically, these individuals may well separate themselves from you once you have quit. If you take a step back and analyze the fact objectively, you will realize that you are much better off”.
25 Ways How the “No-More-Cravings QUIT SMOKING PROGRAM” will FREE YOU
- STOP the uncertainty – “A true knowledge of ourselves is knowledge of our power”. Once you know your “triggers” you will be empowered and able to apply Management Plan suggestions to help you Quit Smoking.
- STOP cravings – 70 % of smokers have very minor and very manageable cravings for the first 10 days when they follow the program, which means you will likely find quitting a breeze.
- STOP mood swings and depression – Supplements and dietary advice and life-style changes suggested help prevent anxiety, short tempers, irritability and mood swings, so that you will handle quitting more easily than you have before.
- STOP weight gain – Following information about diet and lifestyle changes will prevent surplus weight gain. Actually, you are more likely to die from smoking more than 10 cigarettes a day than from being obese.
- STOP wasting money – If you smoke 20 cigarettes a day you will save over $5,000 AUD on cigarettes per year based on Australian figures in 2013, so that you will be able to purchase items you previously could not afford. The true cost of smoking is actually 5 times that amount, about $25,000 AUD per year. I discuss that in detail.
- Every one of the suggestions, recommendations and methods discussed within this eBook are practical, practicable, safe and effective. Simply absorb and apply the strategies outlined as you are guided, every single step of the way, towards your goals of becoming a non-smoker. The information and techniques considered have all been thoroughly researched and are likely to work when applied in a practical manner.
- Cost of supplements – The cost of supplements is remarkably inexpensive as all the requirements for the N-M-C Program can be purchased from the grocery store, so that it is no burden locating them.
- Improved health and wellness – I discuss the health benefits of quitting using down-to-earth dietary suggestions and life-style changes that will impact your health and wellness for the better, adding many years of wellness and contentment to your life.
- Psychology of smoking behaviour – “First we form habits, then they form us”. I discuss the perverted “reward” system involved in smoking that smokers are generally unaware of, and thus you will be able to see smoking for what it really is, a manipulator.
- The secret to long term success – The program deals with the deep psychological reasons for addiction for whatever your reason for smoking and involves positive thinking and commitment.
- Sense of loss – Once you have ascertained your personal “triggers” from the Questionnaire and applied the Management Plan suggestions your life will be enriched and you will have no sense of loss of a supposed “best friend”, namely the nicotine.
- Quitters mindset about cravings – I discuss how you can make your mind over to Quitterdom as it generally can take 2 to 3 months before a quitter can feel at peace with their new lot in life being nicotine-free, irrespective of what method they used to quit.
- Handling the crisis if a relapse occurs – I discuss what to do and how to handle the situation should you have a relapse and take up smoking again (temporarily), so that you realise that you are NOT a failure.
- Gender differences – I point out gender differences in why men and women smoke and the differences involved when men and women quit. Being forewarned is being forearmed.
- Researchers have found that there are two weeks of the month when women should NOT attempt to quit smoking or they are going to find it much more stressful than it should be. I discuss that.
- Smokers smoke to feel “normal” – I discuss how smokers can feel “normal” again without nicotine. It is your turn next.
- Smokers are individual – No two smokers are the same, and finding a method that successfully helps you stop is a very personal thing. I show you how to determine which “triggers” push your buttons.
- Included in the book is the Questionnaire that determines the “triggers” that keep you smoking. Once you have completed the Questionnaire you will accurately know what “triggers” your smoking events. You will then be able to look at the specific Management Plan for that “trigger” to help you manage those reasons for smoking. Most smokers have 3 or more “triggers”.
- Chemistry of nicotine – I discuss the chemistry of nicotine and how this chemical drug affects you to the very core of your being.
- The “fear of failure to quit” issue – I discuss the major reason why most smokers don’t want to start to quit today. I demystify the “fear of failure” and how you can gain the upper hand.
- Low self-esteem – The book shows you how to overcome using cigarettes due to low self-esteem, a major issue for younger smokers.
- Acupuncture and quitting – I discuss how acupuncture works to assist in the quitting process.
- TCM terms explained – I also discuss two important Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) terms. The nasty one is “phlegm” and the good one is “Shen”. I show you how they play a role in your addiction process, and how to use this knowledge to help you quit.
- Get fit and healthy – Exercise boosts your confidence, and once you quit you can try sports and activities that you never dreamed of.
- Procrastination leads to the grave – “Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried”. Once you have bathed in the Sea of Knowledge about quitting smoking permanently if you fail to act NOW your procrastination will lead you to another grave, and opportunity will be buried alongside you.
Now that is just a very small proportion of what’s inside the “No-More-Cravings Quit Smoking Program”.
Summary of the “No-More-Cravings QUIT SMOKING PROGRAM”
The eBook “No-More-Cravings QUIT SMOKING PROGRAM. Quitting Smoking Need NOT be as Traumatic as is Commonly Assumed” discusses the following unique features:
- A 39 question questionnaire determines the smokers’ personal smoking “triggers”.
- Based on those “triggers” I have developed a detailed personal Management Plan to prevent relapse.
- I discuss 6 inexpensive substances that when taken daily greatly minimise cravings.
- I discuss the psychology of smoking and addiction so the smoker can understand the enemy.
- I discuss the entrenched habits and rituals of smoking, often unknown to the smoker.

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